During Q2 2017 International Stocks and Emerging Markets Stocks outpaced U.S. Stocks. The best performing asset class was international small company stocks with a return of 7.28%. While we know that small company stocks have historically outperformed large company stocks, most 401k plans that I see don’t have an International Small Company Stock Fund. Please do yourself a favor and talk to your HR Department to see if they can’t get this added to your investment options. This is so important because over the last 47 years, international small company stocks outperformed international large company stocks by a whopping 4.93% per year!!
Despite some negative headlines over the past quarter, stocks were still positive. This goes to show that you shouldn’t base your investment strategy on negative headlines. You also shouldn’t base your investment strategy on who is President. I continue to hear people say, year in and year out, that they are hesitant to invest because of who is President. And it’s these people who have missed out on significant gains. Research continues to show that the stock market historically provides substantial gains regardless of who is President.
Click here to read the full Q2 2017 Market Review.
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